Friday, February 20

Baby Kinlee's new quilt!

I have been really looking for something that I could do that is "crafty" for the baby. I am very excited to make tons of stuff for her to keep me busy. I LOVE the colors pink and brown for her, so I decided I would make a really cute pink and brown quilt. I looked EVERYWHERE for cute fabrics, but had no such luck. They were out of everything! My sister had made some really fun bags for her kids just before Christmas, and she had the perfect fabrics for it, so she went to Twin Falls for me to pick up fabric. (Nice sister I know). I am definitely NOT a sewer, so she had to help me a ton. Kevin also picked up some nice sewing skills and helped me out, until he got bored and decided it was time to play with the little kids toys. He built us a sweet castle. We ended up getting the entire thing finished in less than a week, only working on it a few hours a day. It was a very fun project and I'm pretty sure that I will be making another soon.